Last additions - Westray People |

John and James Corse17 viewsJohn and James CorseAug 16, 2020

William, Reta and Matthew Shearer14 viewsWilliam, Reta and Matthew ShearerAug 16, 2020

Mrs Tom Logie21 viewsAgnes Logie's mother, Mrs Tom LogieAug 16, 2020

Tom Thompson and sailor friend19 viewsTom Thompson and sailor friendAug 16, 2020

Mimes Walker15 viewsMimes Walker (Tomima Scott), wife of Dr WalkerAug 16, 2020

George Sandison15 viewsGeorge SandisonAug 16, 2020

Andrew Dundas, Mr Montrose19 viewsAndrew Dundas. Noup Head assistant Light keeper. ex Salmon Fisher, Kirkside Salmon StationAug 16, 2020

Willie Robertson, George Thomson, Jamie Harcus15 viewsWillie Robertson, Guseness; George Thomson, Willie's son in law; Jamie Harcus Nether-FeuldAug 16, 2020

Jock Harcus23 viewsJock HarcusAug 16, 2020

Elizabeth Sinclair32 viewsElizabeth Sinclair nee Hewison (second from left) with her daughters and grandchildren. Taken in 1963. Graciously donated by Allan Craigie. John Sinclair and his wife Betty were Allan's uncle and aunt.Aug 16, 2020

Mrs Robert Heddle Robertson and 3 children Beach House24 viewsUsed to belong to the Logie's - who had Logie's store or shop. In picture is Mrs Robert Heddle Robertson and 3 childrenAug 16, 2020

Pte Forbes22 viewsPte ForbesAug 16, 2020