Bostwick Family Website

Bostwick, Hewison, Pelton, Vennard family photos, photos from various military stations, and 291 class photos

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Chrissie Rendall24 viewsChrissie Rendall
Thanks to George Drever for the update and information
Jack Hewison chatting 25 viewsJack Hewison chatting with Catherine Reid?? 1970's??
George Leslie34 viewsGeorge Leslie
Kathleen & Davey Stevenson O'Trenabie29 viewsKathleen & Davey Stevenson O'Trenabie Feb 59
George & Jean Rendall29 viewsGeorge & Jean (nee Reid) Rendall in Westray
Wedding picture circa 1955

Thanks to Deborah Stove who identified the time frame and event!!!
Lester Johnstone, Mrs Rob Walker, Mrs John Watt and Mrs Mimes Walker29 viewsLester Johnstone, Mrs Rob Walker, Mrs John Watt and Mrs Mimes Walker
Eddie and Tommy Cooper22 viewsEddie and Tommy Cooper Skelwick, Westray
Pte Forbes22 viewsPte Forbes
Mrs Robert Heddle Robertson and 3 children Beach House24 viewsUsed to belong to the Logie's - who had Logie's store or shop. In picture is Mrs Robert Heddle Robertson and 3 children
Elizabeth Sinclair31 viewsElizabeth Sinclair nee Hewison (second from left) with her daughters and grandchildren. Taken in 1963. Graciously donated by Allan Craigie. John Sinclair and his wife Betty were Allan's uncle and aunt.
Jock Harcus23 viewsJock Harcus
Davina and George Drever29 viewsDavina (nee Drever) and George Drever taken in 1958. Golden Wedding Anniversary
Thanks to George Drever (Davina's grand nephew) for identifying them.
31 files on 3 page(s) 1