Last additions - 1980 |

8002 LO16 viewsL to R: MCpl Chris Van Breda, McMillan, MCpl Draper, Cpl McDonald, Maj Wood, MCpl Risher, Sgt Terry Prosyshyn, Cpl Dave Ascroft, Cpl Dan Lord
Scanned by Pat GuevremontJul 27, 2020

8001 TQ6B21 viewsBack Row: Sgt Merle Beach, Sgt Al Dean, Sgt Dehaas, WO Orville Lammle, Sgt Armstrong, Sgt Graff
Middle Row: Sgt Doiron, Sgt Glen Ritchie, Sgt Henderson, Sgt Rystephanuk, Sgt Jim/Arthur Humes
Front Row: Sgt Bruce Cameron, Sgt Cornish, Sgt Forget, Sgt Wayne(?) Harrison, Sgt Glen Repaye
Seated: Lt D.A. Smith, Maj W.T.C. Wood, MWO Gerry Kotyluk
Scanned by Pat GuevremontJul 27, 2020

8001 TQ320 viewsBack Row: Muise, Viau, Wosnitza, Petzold, Chohan, Tracey Lafrance, Forget
Front Row: Chamberland, Carl Ostlund, Schibler, Currie, Luc Tremblay, Martel, Bernie Major
Seated: MCpl Bernard, Maj W.T.C. Wood, MWO Ralph Kunkel
Scanned by Pat GuevremontJul 27, 2020

8001 NM14 viewsL to R: Cpl Ben Bedard, MCpl Don Howard, Chris Collins, Cpl Munro, Roy Haddad, Maj Wood, WO Les Lindstrom, MWO Gerry Kotyluk, Vallieres, Dave Dunlop, Joe Kent
Scanned by Pat GuevremontJul 27, 2020

8001 LO16 viewsL to R: Cpl Nopper, Cpl Yves Legace, Cpl Gauvin, Cpl Mario Racicot, Maj Wood, MWO Gerry Kotyluk, MCpl Barton, Cpl Gagnon, Cpl Leo Lynam, Willie Lorimer, MCpl Ivan Deveau
Scanned by Pat GuevremontJul 27, 2020

8001 CAT21 viewsBack Row: MCpl Mullin, MCpl Hardy, Sgt Painter, MCpl Presseau, MCpl Ed Carefoot, Sgt Neale, MCpl Graham Burgess, MCpl Bernard, Sgt Hindmarch
Front Row: Sgt White, MCpl Johnson, Sgt Moe Beere, MCpl Glen Meheden, Maj Wood, MWO Gerry Kotyluk, MCpl Roger Romard, Sgt Earl Power, PO Frank Sullivan, Sgt Forbes, MCpl Bob Solomon
Scanned by Pat GuevremontJul 27, 2020

1980 E Sqn Staff Picture41 viewsBack Row: WO Peddie, MCpl John Walsh, Sgt Hamel, MCpl Clay Imeson, Sgt Brian Windle, Sgt Bruce Cole, Cpl Bob Bourque, Sgt Terry Prochyshyn, Sgt Roger Stewart, Cpl Jean Guy Rioux, Mr Robbins
Middle Row: MCpl Dale Tellier, MCpl Bert Olmstead, MCpl Chuck Magill, WO Krantz, Sgt Glen Repaye, PO2 Langs, MCpl Don Howard, WO Earl Powers, MCpl Crampton, Sgt McWilliams, MCpl Ed Monkley, MCpl Al Fenn
Front Row: Cpl(W) Radbourne, WO Les Lindstrom, WO Dave Finlay, MWO Gerry Kotyluk, Lt Smith, Maj Wood, MWO Wayne Halstead, MWO Daniels, MWO Ralph Kunkel, Mrs Peacock
Scanned by Pat GuevremontJul 27, 2020

8001 42A116 viewsL to R: Lt Rodgers, Capt Duncan, Maj Wood, Capt Bond, Lt Smith, Capt Jackson, Capt Anderson
Scanned by Pat GuevremontJul 27, 2020
