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Home > 291 Photos > 1970-1979 > 1972

Last additions - 1972
Comm Research Course 720145 viewsBack Row: Roger Tibbits, Moe(?) Shimla, Thomson, Milne, Evans
Center Row: Smits, Nixon, Dunlop, Briere, Letendre
Front Row: Kennedy, Esopenko, Verge, Soikie, Bayliss
Seated: MWO Powers, CWO Cummings, Sgt Simmons

Possibly the last course that graduated from Glo.

Donated by Bob Thomson
Jul 27, 2020
7217 PL3 Course First Graduating class from E SQN CFSCE Kingston33 viewsBack Row: Carr, Tim Paterson, P.D. Smith, Rick Carnahan, Charron, Courey, Grant
Front Row: Al Pardy, Capt Brill, Col Braun, MWO Stewart, Grey

Scanned by Pat Guevremont
Jul 25, 2020
7216 PL3 Course31 viewsBack Row: Macdonald, Neil O'Hare, Welson, W. Durdle , W.W. Durdle
Front Row: Ed Wissian, Capt Hume, Richer, Dubois

Scanned by Pat Guevremont
Jul 25, 2020
7215 PL3 10 May 197332 viewsBack Row: Sampson, Rick Beetham, Sutherland, Kerr, Bob Holley, Pascoe
Front Row: St Pierre, MWO Stewart, Capt Hume, MWO Martin, Chris Vanbreda

Scanned by Pat Guevremont
Jul 25, 2020
7214 PL3 1 May 197334 viewsBack Row: Lamont, Henebury, Bob Chomcey, Furber, Pete Winters, Fox
Front Row: Bonwick, Lou Kabesh, MWO Stewart, Maj Hillaby, MWO Martin, Scott, Mike Takahashi

Scanned by Pat Guevremont
Jul 25, 2020
7212 TQ331 viewsBack Row: Alexander, Chaisson, Igor Parsons, Doug Banks
Middle Row: Dicken, Elliot, Reed, Hogue, Wilson, Holmes, Summers
Front Row: Colbert, Al(?) Dobson, Maj Demone, Col Fitzgerald, MWO Martin, Spears, Murphy

Scanned by Pat Guevremont
Jul 25, 2020
7211 PL3 (F)30 viewsBack Row: Racine, Fortin, Lessard, Messier
Fron Row: Richard, Maj Demone, LCol Strong, MWO Powers

Scanned by Pat Guevremont
Jul 25, 2020
7208 PL3 8 Mar 197332 viewsBack Row: Hightower, Al Fenn, Burbridge, Simair, Grandmaison, Jean Guy Rioux, Tremblay
Front Row: Al(?) Vickers, Walkling, MWO Stewart, Capt Hume, MWO Martin, Adams

Scanned by Pat Guevremont
Jul 25, 2020
7206 PL3 31 Jan 197336 viewsBack Row: Clow, Branton, Fredlund, West, Ratte, Dutra
Front Row: Evans, MWO Stewart, Maj Hillaby, MWO Martin, Parenteau

Scanned by Pat Guevremont
Jul 25, 2020
7205 PL3 23 Jan 197329 viewsBack Row: Grenier, Jean, Blais, Mercier, Delinas, Savard
Fron Row: Perreault, Cloutier, MWO Powers, Capt Demone, MWO Stewart, Mallet, Pepin

Scanned by Pat Guevremont
Jul 25, 2020
7204 PL3277 viewsBack Row: Procyshyn, Neale, Larry Lambourne, Lee Maier, McLaughlin, Martyniuk, John Virag
Fron Row: Allain, Brian Kebic, MWO Stewart, Maj Hillaby, MWO Martin, Donnachie

Scanned by Pat Guevremont
Jul 25, 2020
7203 PL332 viewsBack Row: Phillips, Chuck Pudsey, Barton, Bellefuille, Smith, Peddie, Milne
Center Row: Talbot, Braithwaite, Anstey, Murray, Mike Pilon
Front Row: CWO Cummings, Lt Gauthier, MCpl Brunton

Scanned by Pat Guevremont
Jul 25, 2020
14 files on 2 page(s) 1