1971 CFS Coverdale37 viewsBack Row: Al Laird, Mike Peachey, Harv Sampson, Bob Marion, Vern Smith, Lee Jones, Clare Andrews, Moe Burns, Howie Jackson, Jerry McLaughlin
Front Row: John Robitaille, Bob White, Dave Kemp, George McKay, Terry Whalley, Doug Cox, George Lane, Norm Paine, Jim Dawson
Missing: George Barkhouse, Gene Bradley, Clare Colp, Harold Clark, Jim Elliott, Red MacLean, Wayne Moore, Boyce Partridge, Bruce Pirt, Joe Prevost
From Terry Whalley collection
Scanned by Dave Berry
7102 - CR6 Sep 27 1971 - March 3 197239 viewsRear Row L - R: D. Walker, D. Wallace, C. I. Little, D. Brunton, J. Hicky
Centre Row L - R: H. Voight, "Dutch" De Haas, J. Boudreau, D. Baker, E. Fry
Front Row L - R: D. Huff, J. Bennett, E. Ripley, R, Walsh, M. Runions, R. Angus
Seated L - R: Dave Chester, Bill Cummings, John Yablonski
Provided by Howie Voight and Dave Berry
1971 TQ336 viewsBack row left to right: (L to R)
Paul Hamilton, Ken Hanlon, Jim Holland, Bob McCrea(?), Russ Davidson, Fred McCord, Unidentified, Alex Morin and Bruce Chisolm
Picture donated by Ken Hanlan
Update provided by Alex Morin
Don't recall but the P1 looks like it might be Terry Whalley