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He was a Superintendent of Washington township School in 1909. Took his f oster parents name, (Block).
The Brock(Block) family also played an active role in the early histo ry of the Trilby, OH area. William Brock arrived from New York State in 1 850. He acquired fifty eight acres located along Secor road and adjace nt to the state line. He married Frances Marion Mallett, daughter of ear ly township pioneers. Two of their seven children, Milford and Nelson, we re lifelong Trilby residents. In 1893 the brothers built a store, the fir st in the area, at the intersection of Secor and Whitford Center Roads. C onsidered somewhat of a midway point between Lambertville, MI and Toled o, OH, the store served a variety of needs for the growing population. T he Grange met on a second floor, which also served at various times as a d ance hall, pool hall, and meeting place for a Baptist congregation. Wh en a post office opened in the store on February 10, 1898, Milford Bro ck served as a postmaster with Giles Pelton as his assistant. Frank Hal l, Mark Webster and Charles Sutherland were mail carriers between Trilby a nd Lamberville. Milford Brock recalled that often "the mail bags we re so muddy that it was difficult to separate the mail." With the comi ng of the automobile, the Brock grocery installed the area's first gasoli ne pump. The Brocks also supplied ice fro the community. Before this, ma ny area farmers maintained their own ice houses, cutting ice from a quar ry along Stern Road.