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- [T[1].G. Pelton.FTW]
He was named chairman of Clinton County Iowans for State Senator Dav id M. Stanley of Muscatine, Republican candidate, announced in "The Clint on Herald", Friday, December 1, 1967.
Founder of Equity Realty Company and Clinton Title Company, both of Clinto n, Iowa.
Had his own band, the Chuck Pelton Band, where he played the saxophone a nd clarinet.
Was a member of First Presbyterian Church in Clinton, the Rotary Club, t he Western Star 100 A.F. & A.M., Scottish Rite bodies, KAABA Shrine and Cl inton Hi-12 Club.
Was active in the Republican party on the local, state and federal level a nd was appointed by Iowa Governor Robert D. Ray to the Departmant of Envir onmental Quality.
Upon graduation from college, he worked in the war effort for the governme nt on the Tennessee Valley Authority making phosphorus.