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He was a Banker. From the 1892 Book: "Brewster was a man of enterprise a nd of sterling integrity and piety. Occupied in early manhood as a deal er in cattle, afterward a merchant. In 1834 he removed to Oberlin, OH, o ne of fifty families who settled there. He built the second house in Ober lin, and there established himself as the leading merchant of the plac e. He was looked up to and trusted by all, he became by common consent th eir banker. From its beginning the college in Oberlin found in him a stau nch friend and liberal supporter. At his death he was still a member of i ts Board of Trustees - an office held by him for many years. He remember ed the college at that time a gift of $ 25,000. In 1850 or 1852 he remov ed to Cleveland, OH where he purchased property on the west side of the ci ty. With President Mahan a general merchant and George Slade, he endeavor ed to establish a university in that part of the city, since known as Univ ersity Heights - their aim having been to give an education both classic al and scientific. An effort was also made to establish on the Heigh ts a school for young ladies similar to that of Mount Holyoke in MA. Bo th of these enterprises failed from causes beyond the control of Mr. Pelt on and his associates, much to their regret. Identified with all movemen ts for the improvement of Cleveland, and especially of his own ward, it m ay be said that he was the founder of the Congregational Church upon the H eights, contributing one-fifth of its entire cost when it was built, and g iving liberally to its support so long as he lived."