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He was a Farmer. Alma was listed in a muster roll in Lane Co., KS 1917-19 18. Civilian Registration for WWI Draft in Cheyenne County, Colorado Hist ory: "Alma Pelton was born in Lane Co., KS, at Dighton in 1898. Almeron a nd Sophrona Pelton had seven children: Anna, Phineas, Jonathan, Bill, Phil ip, Alma and Jacob. alma married Ruth Marie Cook in 1923 in the Dighton m ethodist parsonage. Dr. Bennett delivered their first son, George Alm a, in 1925 on the second wedding anniversary for $15. Dr. Winegar attend ed the birth of Dean Wesley in 1927 charging $25. In 1929 Dr. Winegar w as kidnapped by Jake and Ralph Fleagle. They had robbed a bank in Lama r, CO, and one was shot in the jaw. After taking the doctor to their hide away, the horseless Horse Ranch, north of Scott City, KS, they shot him a nd pushed his car over a cliff. Parthenia Lee (Patsy) was born in 1930 no rth of Shields, where Alma moved his family in 1927 from Dighton. Dr Benn ett charged $65 for this delivery as he had moved from Dighton to Scott Ci ty, making him a long drive of 80 miles to and from. Alma and Ruth mov ed from Shields to Cheyenne County in 1939 to the old mason place, four mi les north and two miles east of Cheyenne Wells, and bought that place in 1 940. Because of the bad drought in Lane County their cattle had nothi ng to eat and they could rent good land here for $25 a section. In 1946 t hey built a new home one mile west of the mason place. Alma helped organi ze the State Cattlemen's Association and State Wheat Growers Associatio n, and through these organizations he became well acquainted with Herb Clu tter of Holcomb, KS, near Garden City, KS. The show "In Cold Blood" was b ased on the Clutter massacre of 1959. Alma also helped organize the K. C. Electric Association. Ruth was always busy with her family, gardenin g, church affairs and helping her fellow man. Ruth departed this li fe in 1969. Two of Alma's brothers also moved to Cheyenne County. Jake se ttled on a farm north of Arapahoe and in 1942 Bill bought the Billy Hill h omestead two miles west and a half mile south of LeRoy McKean's place. Al ma bought this farm in the 1960's and his son, James Kent, who was bo rn in 1940, farms this land. Jim married Shirley Schmatjen in 1958, and t hey live just east of Alma's home. In 1971 Alma married Sara Seib, a long time resident of Cheyenne County. By combining their two families they ha ve 11 children, 52 grand children and 8 great grandchildren. George marri ed Ellen Brown in 1961 and they live in Englewood, CO. Dean and Mae Huds on were married in 1949 and live on the old Mason Place. Alma bought the o ld Johnstone sheep ranch two miles north and a mile east of Cheyenne Well s. Charles Hanavan, Jr. and Patsy moved onto this place in 1949."