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Henry was a Farmer and a Merchant. According to the Bristol, MA (now R I) Town Record, Henry was born 10 Dec 1690 on the "Mount Hope Farm". He re moved to Groton, CT, where he married, Mary Rose, and where he lived, a nd there died, in 1763, day and month unknown, His occupation is not cert ainly known, but tradition says he was a Merchant. However this may ha ve been he certainly was a farmer, owning considerable land down to 176 0, and was an active business man through life, and much respected in t he community in which he lived. The Lan Records of Groton show twelve con veyances of land to him and six from him, his first purchase having been f rom his brother John, who is given in the record as then a resident of Gro ton. His last purchase was from his son Paul, April 14, 1746. His fir st conveyance was to his son Paul, 14 Feb 1745. "For Love and Good Wi ll to his son"; others to his sons Reuben and Thomas; again to his son Pau l, "The farm he now lives on, "15 July 1760, and finally, his last to Heze kiah Stoddard, 10 acres, 27 June 1763, In 1760 and 1761 he seems to ha ve settled his estate, in a way then quite common, by disposing of his lan ds and by making an arrangement with his son Paul to support himself and h is wife Mary during their lives. That his judgment was respected is prov en by the fact recorded in the "Conn. Colonial Records," that in 1750 "Pre served Randall with Henry Pelton of Groton, were appointed by the Coloni al Legislature to sell lands of Jonathan Randall deceased, of Groton," etc ,; and that he was a public-spirited and religious man by his conveyan ce of a piece of land to "The Church," For affection for the Excellent Ch urch of England."[3108553.ged]
According to the Bristol, MA (now RI) Town Record, Henry was born 10 Dec 1 690 on the "Mount Hope Farm". He removed to Groton, New London County, C t, where he married, Mary Rose, and where he lived, and there died, in 176 3, day and month unknown, His occupation is not certainly known, but tradi tion says he was a Merchant. However this may have been, he certainly w as a farmer, owning considerable land down to 1760, and was an active busi ness man through life, and much respected in the community in which he liv ed. The Land Records of Groton show twelve conveyances of land to him a nd six from him, his first purchase having been from his brother John, w ho is given in the record as then a resident of Groton. His last purcha se was from his son Paul, April 14, 1746. His first conveyance was to h is son Paul, 14 Feb 1745. "For Love and Good Will to his son"; others to h is sons Reuben and Thomas; again to his son Paul, "The farm he now lives o n," 15 July 1760, and finally, his last to Hezekiah Stoddard, 10 acre s, 27 June 1763, In 1760 and 1761 he seems to have settled his estat e, in a way then quite common, by disposing of his lands and by maki ng an arrangement with his son, Paul, to support himself and his wife, Mar y, during their lives. That his judgment was respected is proven by the fa ct recorded in the "Conn. Colonial Records, " that in 1750 "Preserved Rand all with Henry Pelton of Groton, were appointed by the Colonial Legislatu re to sell lands of Jonathan Randall deceased, of Groton," etc.; and th at he was a public spirited and religious man by his conveyance of a pie ce of land to "The Church," For affection for the Excellent Church of Engl and."
Groton Vital Records Vol. 1, Pg. 118:
Henry, m. Mary ROSE, Apr. 29, 1712
Groton Vital Records Vol. 1, Pg. 133: