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In the Census of 1850, Ephraim was listed as a head of a household in Wood ward Twp, Clinton, PA.
He was a Laborer in June 1850 in Woodward Twp, Clinton, PA. He also own ed 100 acres of land near the center of what is now Winburne in Clearfie ld Co, PA.
From Clyde Pelton: It looks like Ephraim Stebbins, brother William, and t he rest of Phineas' family including his wife, Julinas, all moved from Lam ar Twp. to a place called Chatham's Run, near Lock Haven, sometime after 1 839. Clyde thinks that Miles Wilson Pelton might have gone to Morrisdal e, in Clearfield Co., about the same time. Records at the Ross Libra ry in Lock Haven list the marriages of the children of Ephraim, also of Wi lliam and Mary, and the deaths of William and Mary. At the library in Bel lefonte, Pa, there is a book of the Rayhorn Family, in this book the re is a copy of the obituary of Mrs. Lydia Pelton Rayhorn. Jan 9, 1920, w ife of John Rayhorn, who died at her home at 711 East Bald Eagle St. in Lo ck Haven, PA at the age of 69. This book says that Lydia was born in Clea rfield, which is doubtful because she is listed in the 1850 census, a ge 5 and a half in Woodward Twp, Clinton, PA. This obituary also lists Da vis of Woodland, PA, Mrs. Clara Hentor of Winburne, PA and Harry and Fra nk Pelton of Peale, PA.
In the Clearfield County Courthouse there is a will dated 24 Aug 18 82 by E. S. Pelton and wife, Eliza Pelton.