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He was a Teaching Professor. He came from English and Pennsylvania Dut ch stock. His family moved from IL to Venice, CA in 1936. In order th at the sons might attend the University of California Berkeley, the fami ly moved to Oakland after Russell graduated from Pasadena Junior Colleg e. He received the Masters of Mathematics from the University of Californi a. Russell became a teacher of mathematics, and after many years on the h igh school level, he taught for the community college district, from whi ch he retired after a career that spanned forty-two years. Several form er students honored him as most influential teacher, one of whom beca me an astronaut. Russell sponsored Christian endeavor societies in his chu rches for nearly thirty years. He was a Bible teacher, and as lo ng as he lived he was in pursuit of advance studies. Because of his intere st in young people, his wife, Genevieve, chose to give his memorial fu nd to Christian Endeavor, Inter-varsity Christian Fellowship, and Quaker M eadow Youth Camp.