Matches 7,251 to 7,300 of 7,328
# | Notes | Linked to |
7251 | [combined.ged] [new.ged] Description: Died from a tumor that may have developed from a horse ki ck to the head. He was a Printer. | PELTON, Charles Erastus (I7091)
7252 | [combined.ged] [new.ged] He was a farmer. | PELTON, Asahel (I69)
7253 | [combined.ged] [new.ged] He worked as a Time Study Engineer. He resided in Port Orange, Volusi a, FL in 1982. Delmer enjoyed being a magician as a hobby. | PELTON, Delmer Lavern (I9569)
7254 | [combined.ged] [new.ged] She owned and operated a yarn shop in Dodge City for 32 years. | LAWRENCE, Bessie Elizabeth (I8629)
7255 | [combined.ged] [new.ged] She resided in Lakeville, Cornwallis, NS, CAN 1878. | PELTON, Content Beebee (I3998)
7256 | [garygarbe60.ged] Contact Gary Garbe for information on living individuals. I DO NOT have i nformation for the majority of the people listed as living. gary_garbe@h | PELTON, James Robert (I8913)
7257 | [josephbaszczak.FTW] [b.ged] combined.ged combined.ged | BASCHAK, Phillip Lawrence (I15550)
7258 | [josephbaszczak.FTW] [b.ged] TITLE | BOSTWICK, Norman Vennard (I14217)
7259 | [josephpelton.FTW] [a.ged] new.ged new.ged | SHEPHARD, Mary (I153)
7260 | [josephpelton.FTW] [a.ged] new.ged new.ged | BIDWELL, Lucinda Kneeland (I154)
7261 | [josephpelton.FTW] [a.ged] new.ged new.ged | PELTON, Mary (I156)
7262 | [josephpelton.FTW] [a.ged] new.ged new.ged | BROWNSON, Sarah C. (I1894)
7263 | [josephpelton.FTW] [a.ged] new.ged new.ged | STRICKLAND, William (I1896)
7264 | [josephpelton.FTW] [a.ged] new.ged new.ged | STRICKLAND, Mary (I1899)
7265 | [josephpelton.FTW] [a.ged] new.ged new.ged | PHILIP, Cornelia Evelyn (I1902)
7266 | [josephpelton.FTW] [a.ged] new.ged new.ged | PELTON, Florence Evelyn (I1903)
7267 | [josephpelton.FTW] [a.ged] new.ged new.ged | PELTON, Raymond Howard Charles (I1904)
7268 | [josephpelton.FTW] [a.ged] new.ged new.ged | SILVA, Albern I. Do (I1905)
7269 | [josephpelton.FTW] [a.ged] new.ged new.ged | FILLOW, Emily Alice (I1907)
7270 | [josephpelton.FTW] [a.ged] new.ged new.ged | PELTON, Bessie May (I1908)
7271 | [josephpelton.FTW] [a.ged] new.ged new.ged | PELTON, Guy Fillow (I1909)
7272 | [josephpelton.FTW] [a.ged] new.ged new.ged | ARNOLD, Mary Gertrude (I1910)
7273 | [josephpelton.FTW] [a.ged] new.ged new.ged | PELTON, Frederick Arnold (I1911)
7274 | [josephpelton.FTW] [a.ged] new.ged new.ged | STRICKLAND, X (I24286)
7275 | [josephpelton.FTW] [a.ged] new.ged new.ged | STRICKLAND, X (I24287)
7276 | [josephpelton.FTW] [a.ged] new.ged new.ged | STRICKLAND, X (I24288)
7277 | [josephpelton.FTW] [a.ged] new.ged new.ged | STRICKLAND, X (I24289)
7278 | [josephpelton.FTW] [a.ged] new.ged new.ged | DO SILVA, X (I24290)
7279 | [josephpelton.FTW] [a.ged] new.ged new.ged | STRICKLAND, X (I24446)
7280 | [josephpelton.FTW] [a.ged] new.ged new.ged | STRICKLAND, X (I24447)
7281 | [josephpelton.FTW] [a.ged] new.ged new.ged | STRICKLAND, X (I24448)
7282 | [josephpelton.FTW] [a.ged] new.ged new.ged | STRICKLAND, X (I24449)
7283 | [josephpelton.FTW] [a.ged] new.ged new.ged | CARTER, Freedom (I341)
7284 | [josephpelton.FTW] [a.ged] new.ged new.ged | ROYCE, Huldah (I342)
7285 | [josephpelton.FTW] [a.ged] new.ged new.ged | PELTON, Elizabeth Royce (I345)
7286 | [josephpelton.FTW] [a.ged] new.ged new.ged | BRONSON, Homer (I804)
7287 | [josephpelton.FTW] [a.ged] new.ged new.ged | BRONSON, Harriet Electa (I805)
7288 | [josephpelton.FTW] [a.ged] new.ged new.ged | BRONSON, Josiah Perry (I806)
7289 | [josephpelton.FTW] [a.ged] new.ged new.ged | BRONSON, Mary Pelton (I807)
7290 | [josephpelton.FTW] [a.ged] new.ged new.ged | AUSTIN, Ophelia (I808)
7291 | [josephpelton.FTW] [a.ged] new.ged new.ged | PELTON, Harriet L. (I812)
7292 | [josephpelton.FTW] [a.ged] He was educated at Suffield, Conn., and at Western Reserve College, Hudso n, O.; studied law, and practiced for a long time in New York as a memb er of the firm of Guy R. & T. D. Pelton, where he was honored as an abl e, upright man and a good lawyer. He died, October 4, 1879, of typhoid fev er, at Great Barrington, Mass., in the house in which he was born, on t he Pelton homestead, which he had bought from his father s estate, and fit ted up and improved for a summer home. | PELTON, Timothy (I24272)
7293 | [josephpelton.FTW] [a.ged] He was ordained a Minister. 1890 in New Haven, New Haven, CT new.ged new.ged | PELTON, Reverand George Austin (I24299)
7294 | [josephpelton.FTW] [a.ged] Still, in 1890, in active practice and recognized as an able member of h is profession. In 1857 he was elected to the thirty-fourth Congress from N ew York city. He served as a member of the House of Representatives to t he end of that Congress, and declined a second nomination. Residence, in 1 890, New York city. Died, suddenly, in the National (Yellowstone) Park, Ju ly 24, 1890, while on his way home from Alaska with Mrs. Pelton. Mr. Pelt on was educated at the public schools and at Sedg- wick Institution, Gre at Barrington, Mass., and at Oberlin College, Ohio; studied law at Kinderh ook, N. Y., and at other places, going to New York before 1856, where he h ad a long and honorable career as a lawyer in the law fi rm of G. R. & T. D. Pelton, of 167 Broadway. In Congress he served with ho nor on the Committee of Commerce; in New York he held a number of offic es of honor and trust, and at death was a member of the Cable Road Commiss ion; in all positions being a sound counsellor and a genial man. He w as a member of the Union League Club, a prominent Mason, and an officer a nd stockholder in a manufacturing rubber company. He left a competency. | PELTON, Guy Ray (I24277)
7295 | [kimball.ged] Alfred was a farmer. | KIMBALL, Alfred (I23981)
7296 | [kimball.ged] Elijah, a shoemaker, died of consumption. | KIMBALL, Elijah (I23972)
7297 | [kimball.ged] George was a farmer in Bradford, MA. | KIMBALL, George (I23984)
7298 | [kimball.ged] Hannah was listed in the 1850 census as living with her son Alfred, and li sted as born in New Hampshire. | KIMBALL, Hannah (I23978)
7299 | [kimball.ged] Jonathan, a shoemaker, died of a fever. | KIMBALL, Jonathan (I23979)
7300 | [kimball.ged] William enlisted as a Revolutionary War soldier at Bradford on May 145, 17 76 and served until January 1, 1777 in Captain Brown's Company, Glover's R giement of the Fourteenth Massachusetts. He enlisted again in Captain Nat haniel Gage's Company, Colonel Johnson's Regiment and marched to Srato ga on October 1777 and served until after Burgoyne's surrender. He enlist ed in Bradford in 1778 in Captain Foster's Company of the Massachusetts Mi litia and werved in Rhode Island until January 1, 1779. | KIMBALL, William (I23974)