Matches 6,201 to 6,250 of 7,328
# | Notes | Linked to |
6201 | [combined.ged] He was a Farmer. | PRINCE, Henry J. (I6678)
6202 | [combined.ged] He was a Farmer. | PELTON, Julius (I671)
6203 | [combined.ged] He was a Farmer. | PELTON, Harvey (I672)
6204 | [combined.ged] He was a Farmer. | MCKENZIE, Hiram (I6737)
6205 | [combined.ged] He was a Farmer. | PELTON, Ezra (I679)
6206 | [combined.ged] He was a Farmer. | WHITTEMORE, Aaron (I6815)
6207 | [combined.ged] He was a Farmer. | PELTON, Joshua (I6983)
6208 | [combined.ged] He was a Farmer. | PELTON, John (I6984)
6209 | [combined.ged] He was a Farmer. | PELTON, Charles (I6985)
6210 | [combined.ged] He was a Farmer. | PELTON, Edward L. (I7042)
6211 | [combined.ged] He was a Farmer. | PELTON, Stephen Edwin (I705)
6212 | [combined.ged] He was a Farmer. | PELTON, Hatsiel (I71)
6213 | [combined.ged] He was a Farmer. | QUANT, Jacob H. (I7169)
6214 | [combined.ged] He was a Farmer. | PELTON, Charles (I717)
6215 | [combined.ged] He was a Farmer. | PELTON, John (I719)
6216 | [combined.ged] He was a Farmer. | WING, John (I7214)
6217 | [combined.ged] He was a Farmer. | PELTON, James K. (I722)
6218 | [combined.ged] He was a Farmer. | PELTON, Phineas Jr (I725)
6219 | [combined.ged] He was a Farmer. | PELTON, Elisha (I728)
6220 | [combined.ged] He was a Farmer. | PELTON, Richard Edwards (I7298)
6221 | [combined.ged] He was a Farmer. | PELTON, Cale (I732)
6222 | [combined.ged] He was a Farmer. | PELTON, Samuel (I738)
6223 | [combined.ged] He was a Farmer. | PELTON, Jesse (I760)
6224 | [combined.ged] He was a Farmer. | PELTON, Sylvester Augustin (I800)
6225 | [combined.ged] He was a Farmer. | PELTON, John Allan (I8585)
6226 | [combined.ged] He was a Farmer. | PELTON, Marcus L. (I864)
6227 | [combined.ged] He was a Farmer. | PELTON, Hezekiah Goodrich (I9)
6228 | [combined.ged] He was a Farmer. | PURSELL, Andrew (I9019)
6229 | [combined.ged] He was a Farmer. | FARWELL, Albert Clyde (I9144)
6230 | [combined.ged] He was a Farmer. | FARWELL, Horace Steven (I9147)
6231 | [combined.ged] He was a Farmer. | WEAVER, Eli W. (I9437)
6232 | [combined.ged] He was a Farmer. | SWITZER, Frederic (I9470)
6233 | [combined.ged] He was a Farmer. Alma was listed in a muster roll in Lane Co., KS 1917-19 18. Civilian Registration for WWI Draft in Cheyenne County, Colorado Hist ory: "Alma Pelton was born in Lane Co., KS, at Dighton in 1898. Almeron a nd Sophrona Pelton had seven children: Anna, Phineas, Jonathan, Bill, Phil ip, Alma and Jacob. alma married Ruth Marie Cook in 1923 in the Dighton m ethodist parsonage. Dr. Bennett delivered their first son, George Alm a, in 1925 on the second wedding anniversary for $15. Dr. Winegar attend ed the birth of Dean Wesley in 1927 charging $25. In 1929 Dr. Winegar w as kidnapped by Jake and Ralph Fleagle. They had robbed a bank in Lama r, CO, and one was shot in the jaw. After taking the doctor to their hide away, the horseless Horse Ranch, north of Scott City, KS, they shot him a nd pushed his car over a cliff. Parthenia Lee (Patsy) was born in 1930 no rth of Shields, where Alma moved his family in 1927 from Dighton. Dr Benn ett charged $65 for this delivery as he had moved from Dighton to Scott Ci ty, making him a long drive of 80 miles to and from. Alma and Ruth mov ed from Shields to Cheyenne County in 1939 to the old mason place, four mi les north and two miles east of Cheyenne Wells, and bought that place in 1 940. Because of the bad drought in Lane County their cattle had nothi ng to eat and they could rent good land here for $25 a section. In 1946 t hey built a new home one mile west of the mason place. Alma helped organi ze the State Cattlemen's Association and State Wheat Growers Associatio n, and through these organizations he became well acquainted with Herb Clu tter of Holcomb, KS, near Garden City, KS. The show "In Cold Blood" was b ased on the Clutter massacre of 1959. Alma also helped organize the K. C. Electric Association. Ruth was always busy with her family, gardenin g, church affairs and helping her fellow man. Ruth departed this li fe in 1969. Two of Alma's brothers also moved to Cheyenne County. Jake se ttled on a farm north of Arapahoe and in 1942 Bill bought the Billy Hill h omestead two miles west and a half mile south of LeRoy McKean's place. Al ma bought this farm in the 1960's and his son, James Kent, who was bo rn in 1940, farms this land. Jim married Shirley Schmatjen in 1958, and t hey live just east of Alma's home. In 1971 Alma married Sara Seib, a long time resident of Cheyenne County. By combining their two families they ha ve 11 children, 52 grand children and 8 great grandchildren. George marri ed Ellen Brown in 1961 and they live in Englewood, CO. Dean and Mae Huds on were married in 1949 and live on the old Mason Place. Alma bought the o ld Johnstone sheep ranch two miles north and a mile east of Cheyenne Well s. Charles Hanavan, Jr. and Patsy moved onto this place in 1949." | PELTON, Alma Almeron (I5948)
6234 | [combined.ged] He was a Farmer. Asa was a large, strong man of great natural abilities w ho was independent and decided in his opinions and of marked peculiarities . | PELTON, Asa (I2168)
6235 | [combined.ged] He was a Farmer. Charles served in the military in the Civil War, 12 M ay 1862. He was with company K 57th Infantry. He became a prisoner of t he war. He resided in Princeton, Bureau, IL 1879. Charles admired John Fremo nt so he named a son after his and his youngest daughter (Jessie) after Fr emont's wife. | PELTON, Charles P. (I4143)
6236 | [combined.ged] He was a Farmer. Conflicting evidence states that Gideon was born in Grot on, New London, CT, 23 Feb 1747. Town Record. Gideon was listed as the head of a family on the 1790 Census Frederickstow n, Dutchess, NY. He reportedly remarried about 1800, spouse's name unknow n. | PELTON, Gideon (I1056)
6237 | [combined.ged] He was a Farmer. He applied for homestead land in Ford County, KS in Dece mber of 1885. He resided in Ford, ford, KS in 1888. Family members ho ld an annual Pelton Reunion in dodge City, Kansas since 1949. The fami ly moved to Ford County with Austin and Carolyn when Mary was 2 months old . In the late fall of 1885 Charles and Emma, with his parents, Austin and Ca roline, left Lorain, OH and came to KS. Jewell Pelton remembers hearing t hey came by rail along with others also moving from OH. Everyone's catt le and livestock were shipped in one car and were sorted after their arriv al at Harper in central KS. Charles brought his two horses, Baldie his fa vorite and another. Mary Pelton Day always said she came to Ford Count y, KS by covered wagon and probably did come that way from Harper, KS. Th ey arrived in Ford County the 9th of November 1885. Charles and Emma at th at time had two small daughters, Elotta and Mary who was only 2 and a ha lf months old. Charles and his father homesteded land about 6 mile ND of t he small town of Ford, KS. The government granted to each man a quarter s ection of land at $1.25 per acre, and they were to live on it six months a nd prove it up. On December 31, 1890 Charles and Emma received from t he US government a patent for proving up a claim on the SE 1/4 of 13-27-2 2. The present register of deeds said it took 5 years to fully pro ve up a homestead and receive a patent. In November of 1891 Charles and E mma purchased a large piece of land just north of Ford which became the ho me place. About 1895 a large two-story house was built and carbide ligh ts were installed -- a modern thing in those days. Mulberry Creek ran th ru the farm and provided ample fish and game. Charles planted a large orc hard so there was fruit available. About 8 years before his death Charl es began to suffer with the crippling kind of rheumatoid arthritis. His l ast three years he was confined to bed and suffered greatly. There are 26 deeds of land transactions involving Charles J. and Austin Pe lton recorded in Ford County, KS. | PELTON, Charles Josiah (I1878)
6238 | [combined.ged] He was a Farmer. He enjoyed playing croquet and cards. He was an outspok en poetry writer. | ADAMS, Lloyd Lester (I8692)
6239 | [combined.ged] He was a Farmer. He graduated from Baldwin Wallace College. David w as a teacher for one year and then went into farming. He enjoyed woodwork ing and was a member of the town council and Masonic Lodge. | PELTON, David Elijah (I8540)
6240 | [combined.ged] He was a Farmer. He lived in Athens, NY before moving to Reedsburg, Sau k, WI 1850. | PELTON, John (I1448)
6241 | [combined.ged] He was a Farmer. He migrated in 1885 to the Dakota Territory looking f or a place on the New Frontier. He and his wife homesteaded in ND in 18 86 coming by way of an immigrant railroad car. They moved into a one ro om house east of Davis Buttes with six children and began building a hou se on the Green River (Versippi is the Indian name) near Dickinson. The f irst winter was tough and snow blew into the house. | PELTON, Wallace J. (I3290)
6242 | [combined.ged] He was a Farmer. He moved 1866 to MI. He resided in Fremont, Tuscol a, MI 1878. | PELTON, Ira (I2236)
6243 | [combined.ged] He was a Farmer. He moved in 1899. John brought what remained of his fam ily to live with James in Boston about 1899. Rosemary (Rosanna) left No va Scotia for California about that time and the younger girls stayed wi th their father. | PELTON, John Bishop (I6399)
6244 | [combined.ged] He was a Farmer. He resided in Bennington, Oxford, ON, CAN 1879. He mov ed in 1918 to Woodstock, ON, CAN. Florence Lilian Pelton Patterson sa ys in her Pelton Jarvis book, "He was tall and straight with piercing bl ue eyes, he was the patriarch of a large and diversified family of wh om he was proud. At home he was known as "the Governor" but to his frien ds as "Hank Pelton". He kept in close contact with his family, far and ne ar, checking on everyone and everything until late in his live when he bec ame blind and feeble. Father and sons worked together sharing duties a nd machinery. An early purchase was a horse-drawn steam engine threshi ng machine to help with the harvest; the second thresher was of steam trac tion. Besides mixed farming they bought and sold cattle and horses. Reti ring from farming in his early sixties they began a series of moves. In 1 918 they moved to 556 King St. Woodstock, ON, CAN where he lived for the r emainder of his life. Upon taking up residence in Woodstock, he soon miss ed the close contact with his sons and related farm activity. Frequent ly he would visit them, traveling by train to the Bennington station, stay ing overnight and returning to Woodstock the next day. When Edgar purchas ed his first Model T Ford, he learned to drive. In later years wh en he no longer went to the farms as often, his walks around Woodstock wou ld take him to the high school, where by then, many grandchildren were att ending. His purpose was to inquire into their individual behavior, attend ance and abilities from the principal. He was a frequent visitor to the h igh school. He had a dry sense of humor and enjoyed teasing -- fro instan ce, after his wife invited the Woodstock WCTI to hold a meeting at the hom e, he announced he would serve the group his homemade elderberry win e. Of course he didn't but the household was apprehensive until the meeti ng was over and the people dispersed! Much respected and loved, he was, p erhaps a little feared by some of the younger grandchildren; we were alwa ys being interrogated and wished him to have a good opinion of us. He d id everything in his power to make certain his family conducted themselv es in the proper manner and to their best advantage, often issuing instruc tions on behavior -- such as at funerals; 'Stand out so you'll be seen '. Gradually he went blind from cataracts on both eyes, and as his eyesig ht dimmed, the location of the furniture in the house was not changed so t hat he could move about unaided. When it became impossible to go ousti de for his daily walks, he continued his exercising by pacing up and do wn in the sun porch, having previously determined the number of turns it w ould take to constitute a mile." | PELTON, Henry (I6976)
6245 | [combined.ged] He was a Farmer. He resided in Caseville, Huron, MI in 1890. | PELTON, Nelson Austin (I1875)
6246 | [combined.ged] He was a Farmer. He resided in Corinth, Kent, MI 1880. | PELTON, Samuel (I4310)
6247 | [combined.ged] He was a Farmer. He resided in Frisco, OK 1892. | PELTON, Edwin William (I3317)
6248 | [combined.ged] He was a Farmer. He resided in Grand Haven, Ottawa, MI 1880. | PELTON, Aldridge Wells (I4354)
6249 | [combined.ged] He was a Farmer. He resided in Hebron, Jefferson, WI 1878. | PELTON, Trowbridge (I1441)
6250 | [combined.ged] He was a Farmer. He resided in IA 1885. | PELTON, Edward F. (I2872)