Bostwick Family Genealogy Pages

Discovering our Hewison, Pelton, Baszczak and Vennard Ancestors


Female 1384 - 1394  (10 years)

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Generation: 1

  1. 1.  Martha DUNBAR was born in 1300-1384 (daughter of Earl MARCH and Countess Agnes MORAY); died in 1331-1394.

    Martha married Earl William DOUGLAS in 1321-1385. William (son of Lord Archibald GALLOWAY) was born in 1295-1381 in Locklevin, Scotland; died in 1331-1385. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    1. Earl Archibald DOUGLAS was born in 1331-1411; died in 1367-1421.

Generation: 2

  1. 2.  Earl MARCH was born in 1264-1354 (son of Earl MARCH and Mary CURSMEN); died in 1300-1354.

    Earl married Countess Agnes MORAY in 1290-1354. Agnes was born in 1270-1358; died in 1300-1364. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

  2. 3.  Countess Agnes MORAY was born in 1270-1358; died in 1300-1364.
    1. 1. Martha DUNBAR was born in 1300-1384; died in 1331-1394.

Generation: 3

  1. 4.  Earl MARCH was born in 1229-1324 (son of Earl MARCH and Lady BRUCE, son of Earl MARCH and Lady BRUCE, son of Earl MARCH and Lady BRUCE); died in 1264-1319.

    Earl married Mary CURSMEN in 1254-1319. Mary (daughter of Earl BUCHAN) was born in 1234-1328; died in 1264-1328. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

  2. 5.  Mary CURSMEN was born in 1234-1328 (daughter of Earl BUCHAN); died in 1264-1328.
    1. 2. Earl MARCH was born in 1264-1354; died in 1300-1354.

Generation: 4

  1. 8.  Earl MARCH was born in 1193-1294 (son of Robert BRUCE); died in 1229-1283.

    married Lady BRUCE in 1219-1283. Lady was born in 1198-1298; died in 1229-1292. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

  2. 9.  Lady BRUCE was born in 1198-1298; died in 1229-1292.
    1. 4. Earl MARCH was born in 1229-1324; died in 1264-1319.

  3. 10.  Earl BUCHAN was born in 1198-1298; died in 1234-1288.
    1. 5. Mary CURSMEN was born in 1234-1328; died in 1264-1328.