From the Dumfries and Galloway newspaper dated 28 Dec 1874
MORTON SCHOOL BOARD: MR HEWISON’S RETIRAL – A meeting of Morton School Board was held on Saturday. All the members were present – Mr J.H. Dickson, Dabton, in the chair. A letter was read from Mr Alexander Hewison resigning his office as headmaster of Morton Public School, and agreeing to accept the retiring allowance of ₤120 per annum granted him by the Board, his retrial to take effect at 15th February next. The Clerk was instructed to furnish Mr Hewison with copies of the minutes bearing upon his retirement, including the following: “The Board cannot allow this opportunity to pass without according their deep sense of the many excellent qualities possessed by Mr Hewison, both as a master and as a private individual, and they think it right to put on record their knowledge of the many kind actions he has done to poor and struggling(?) children in gratuitously helping them forward with their studies and assisting them in life. The Board feel that in losing Mr Hewison they are losing what might be called a land-mark, a true specimen of the old parochial teacher, and they can only again express their regret that old age should necessitate the relinquishing of his duties after faithful service to the parish for over fifty years, and they would further express a hope that he may be long spared to enjoy his retiring allowance.”