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Most viewed - 1970-1979
7216 PL3 Course27 viewsBack Row: Macdonald, Neil O'Hare, Welson, W. Durdle , W.W. Durdle
Front Row: Ed Wissian, Capt Hume, Richer, Dubois

Scanned by Pat Guevremont
7407 PL327 viewsBack Row: Hiebert, MacDonald, MacKnight, Scottsaunders, Robertson, Clement, MacDonald, Mathieson
Front Row: Clark, Bauvin, Ribley, Sgt Fouchard, Capt Gregory, Maj Demone, Sgt MacLaren, Pepin, Steinkle, Drolet

Scanned by Pat Guevremont
7503 TQ327 viewsBack Row: Fraelic, Fleming, Davis, Marshall, Abeling, Riel, Harrison, Asselain
Front Row: MacDonald, Closen, Sgt O'Brien, Capt Gregory, CWO Paine, Woodford, Murray, Jenkins

Scanned by Pat Guevremont
7901 TQ6B27 viewsBack Row: Sgt Jim Troyanek, Sgt Shribner, Sgt Ian Little, Sgt Riply, Sgt Bob Hicks, Sgt Clarke, Sgt Green, Sgt Bernie Lee, Sgt Kelsey, Sgt Murphy
Front Row: WO McLeod, Sgt Bourdeau, WO Fouchard, Capt Howe, Maj Doucet, Capt Leitch, MWO Dick Leahy, Sgt Walsh, Sgt Shorty Goulette, Sgt Peachy

Scanned by Pat Guevremont
7904 TQ527 viewsFrom Left to Right
Mike Lebrun, Rick Davenport, Jack Geldhart, Mike Bostwick, Dan
Bergeron,Demeester,Russ Chislett, Miles Fraser, Paddy Morris, Sgt Earl Powers, Greg Merrithew, Maj Wood, Norm Weis,
PO2 Frank Sullivan, Killer D'Amour, Don Morrison, Mike Henick, Ed Larocque, Clive Bormanis, Gord Harper

Scanned by Pat Guevremont
7211 PL3 (F)26 viewsBack Row: Racine, Fortin, Lessard, Messier
Fron Row: Richard, Maj Demone, LCol Strong, MWO Powers

Scanned by Pat Guevremont
7302 Sigdev26 viewsBack Row: Bert Olmstead, Twigger, Donny Warwick, Bernard, Conrod, Lemoyne
Front Row: MacArthur, Cpl Stark, Capt Hume, WO Montgomery, Gauthier

Scanned by Pat Guevremont
7901 LO26 viewsBack Row: Holley, Chamberlain, Claude Noel, Clement
Front Row: MCpl Magill, Capt Leitch, WO Elia, Grusie

Scanned by Pat Guevremont
7901 TQ326 viewsBack Row: Ten-hove, Dale Lethbridge, Christmas, Desmarais, Hicks, Campbell, Barr, Candline, Bouchard, Berghammer, Ritchie, Laity
Front Row: McGrath, Clark, Smith, Boileau, Hauks, MCpl Bernard, Capt Bond, Farrell, MCpl Crapton, Fleming, Maj Doucet, Cymbaluk, Sgt Hamel, Dunford, Sgt Brian Windle, Wally Vanasseldonk, Smith, Kincaid, Funk, Thurlow

Scanned by Pat Guevremont
7302 6A25 viewsBack Row: O'Brien, Cyrene, Les Linstrom, Brasier, Sam Simard, Ellis, Orv(?) Lamley(?), Young, Stevens, MacDonald
Front Row: Merle Beach, Sgt Prevost, Al Dean, Capt Hume, MWO Yablonski, Lantz, Armstrong, Fouchard, Lemieux

Scanned by Pat Guevremont
7402 PL6A25 viewsBack Row: Gord Kelsey, Jim Frame, Keith(?) Halcrow, Brian Windle, Ken O'Toole, Henderson, Belland, Ryan, Solomon, Harder
Front Row: Dick(?) Bell, Fletcher, Hebb, Capt Gregory, Maj Demone, Sgt Hoby Guitard, Sulley, Armstrong, Hagstrom

Scanned by Pat Guevremont
7502 TQ325 viewsBack Row: O'Bomsawin, Fortier, St Andreas, Cassie, Simard, Berneche
Front Row: Boivert, Thibeault, MWO Marion, Capt Gregory, Cpl Lachance, Sgt Bernard, Auger

Scanned by Pat Guevremont
121 files on 11 page(s) 4