Most viewed - 1970-1979 |

7704 TQ314 viewsBack Row: Jones, Boyd, Bishop, Dunlop, Frank Wagner, Guy, St Jean, Al Lencucha
Front Row: Gluetek, Sutherland, WO Stansfield, Maj Doucet, Capt Bagyan, MCpl Hardy, Cooper, Jim Barnes, Pat Thomas
Scanned by Pat Guevremont

7310 PL313 viewsBack Row: Spane, Kechnie, Pirie, Wayne(?) Watts, Watman, Price
Front Row: MCpl Mullins, CWO Baldwin, Maj Demone, Sgt Ezard
Scanned by Pat Guevremont

7406 PL313 viewsBack Row: Claveau, Pilon, Morin, Cardinal
Front Row: Kenny, Capt Gregory, Maj Demone, Cpl Boucher, Miranda
Scanned by Pat Guevremont

7601 42A113 viewsFrom L to R: Lt Irv Finkleman, Capt Richie, LT Robinston, Capt Burdon, LCdr George Fraser, LT Hamilton, Capt Whittall
Scanned by Pat Guevremont

7806 QL313 viewsL to R: Legault, Perras, Cosaboon, Nadeau, Gallant, Capt Leitch, Maj Doucet, MCpl Hardy, Boudreau, Roy, Rene Ethier, Fleming
Scanned by Pat Guevremont

7905 TQ313 viewsBack Row: Andy Charlton, Gendron, ?Perreault?, Innes, Maillette, Poulin, Arsenault
Front Row: ?Spillane?, Boislard, Mike Landry, Sgt Hamel, Maj Wood, MCpl Bert Olmstead, Fortier, Morin, Tanguay
Scanned by Pat Guevremont
Additional names provided by Michel Boislard

7301 TQ6A13 viewsLet me know if you recognize anyone
Donated by Paul Bernard

7308 QL312 viewsL to R - Chris Ingersoll, Mike Chambers (RIP), Kevin Hermiston, Dan Galley, Keith Farquarson, CWO Baldwin, Bill Dunn, Maj Demon, Steve Mercer (RIP), Sgt Ives, Roger Hay, Bill Gamble, Mike Bernard, Robbie Robinson, Rod Johnup

7706 TQ312 viewsBack Row: Jolin, Bordeleau, Abeling, Menard
Front Row: WO Kenyon, Maj Doucet, Capt Bagyan
Scanned by Pat Guevremont

HMCS Gloucester Trade course12 viewsLet me know if you recognize anyone
Donated by Paul Bernard

7311 PL311 viewste Bilodeau, Pte Jette, Pte Lemelin, Maj Demone, Capt Burton, Pte Johnson, Pte Francey, Pte Dale Tellier
Scanned by Pat Guevremont

7302 Russian Language course9 views2nd row 3rd person from left, pte Ivan barrette, 2nd person from right Pte Brian Mack
3rd row 3rd person from right Sam Simard, last person Gary Groves
4th row 2nd person from right Rick Dayman
Back row 2nd person from left Levis Beardy, 3rd person Ralph Graves.
Donated by Steven Newell
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