Bostwick Family Website

Bostwick, Hewison, Pelton, Vennard family photos, photos from various military stations, and 291 class photos

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1962 IT Course HMCS Naden34 viewsBack Row,: Taylor, Lavalee, Dunbar, Chute, Hockstetter, Boucher, Rimek, Smith, Cousins
Center Row: Whitley, Lesoway, Hicke, Shore, Peerzan, Best, Whalley, Berry, Harris
Front Row: Childerhose, Hilton, Martin, Hamilton, Larson

From Terry Whalley collection
Scanned by Dave Berry
George Leslie34 viewsGeorge Leslie
Unknown Volleyball Team33 viewsIf you can provide a year or identify some of the people in the picture it would be appreciated.
Provided by Dave Berry
Unknown Class Gloucester TG3 Class circa mid-60's33 viewsIf you can provide a course number or year it would be appreciated.
Front Row: CPO Bill Paley, LCdr Don Filewod, CPO John Westall

Middle Row: Lynn Tennant, George Barkhouse, Jim Smith, Scotty Alain, Larry Chase

Rear Row: Dave Warmington, Jim Dickens, Jerry Flynn, Ed Uhutch, Carl Archer, Bob King

Picture onated by Brian Cassidy

Names updated by Bob Lesperance
7202 CR3 23 Aug 197232 viewsBack Row: Roger(?) Lajoie, Simpson-Scott, Walker, Giradin, Pettipas, Boudreau
Front Row: Sgt Ezard, CWO Cummings, MWO Langdon

Scanned by Pat Guevremont
7206 PL3 31 Jan 197332 viewsBack Row: Clow, Branton, Fredlund, West, Ratte, Dutra
Front Row: Evans, MWO Stewart, Maj Hillaby, MWO Martin, Parenteau

Scanned by Pat Guevremont
Unknown Volleyball Team 232 viewsIf you can provide a year or identify some of the people in the picture it would be appreciated.
Provided by Dave Berry
Gloucester Class Late 60's32 viewsIf you can provide a course number or year it would be appreciated.
Front Row: CWO Bill Cummings, Sgt Bob Lesperance, MWO Larry Chase.
Picture donated by Larry Chase.
Some names updated by Bob Lesperance
7901 CAT32 viewsBack Row: Cpl Ben Guevremont, MCpl Phil Colwill, MCpl Ladouceur, Cpl Kyle White, MCpl Branton, MCpl Batchelor, MCpl Hamel, MCpl McCord, MCpl Smith, MCpl Chesley, MCpl Beaudry
Front Row: Sgt Rod Ellis, MCpl Morin, MCpl McWilliams, Maj Doucet, Major Ritchie, WO Kenyon, MCpl Cook, Sgt Brian Windle

Scanned by Pat Guevremont
1985 Promotion of Sgt Schofield31 views
Scanned by Pat Guevremont
Animal House certificate31 views1983
Elizabeth Sinclair31 viewsElizabeth Sinclair nee Hewison (second from left) with her daughters and grandchildren. Taken in 1963. Graciously donated by Allan Craigie. John Sinclair and his wife Betty were Allan's uncle and aunt.
862 files on 72 page(s) 8