Bostwick Family Website

Bostwick, Hewison, Pelton, Vennard family photos, photos from various military stations, and 291 class photos

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Grandma Mary's family 8 viewsNot sure who else is in this photograph but believe my grandmother Mary Ann Vennard is the girl standing on the left with her arm on the mantle. The girl on the right of the mantle is her sister Jane Hutchinson Vennard. Taken approximately 1905 in Glasgow, Scotland. This is a scan of the photo as I received it.
Andrew Greig and Jane Vennard8 viewsAndrew and Jane (nee Vennard) Greig and their children)
From L-R Jean, Thomas?, Andrew(Father), Andrew?(son), Henry? and Jane.
Genealogy work sheet for family of Robert Vennard I8 viewsGenealogy work sheet for family of Robert Vennard
Genealogy work sheet for family of William Nassau Vennard 8 viewsGenealogy work sheet for family of William Nassau Vennard
Looking back at Alert on way to Quiet Lake8 views
Main modes of transportation in Alert 8 viewsThe main modes of transport in Alert in 1978 were the Bombardier on the left and the Nodwell on the right.
My Herc out of Alert 19788 views
Iceberg trapped somewhere between Alert and Eureka8 views
Hut at Quiet lake8 views
Muskox near Hazen Lake8 viewsOn one of my trips to Alert we were given the opportunity to over night at the cabin at Hazen Lake. The helicopter that was replacing the batteries on the HADCS line dropped 14 of us off there. 3 of us spotted this muskox and took off after him. We caught up to him at the bottom of a ravine. He slowly wandered up the other side of the ravine and went over the top. When we thought it was safe we crossed over and climbed up the other side but he had disappeared.
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