Bostwick Family Website

Bostwick, Hewison, Pelton, Vennard family photos, photos from various military stations, and 291 class photos

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8204 TQ510 viewsRear Row: Pte Maltais, Pte Hicks Cpl Jean, Pte Campbell, Cpl Mailette, Pte Primeau, Cpl Bonneau
Front Row: Cpl Schulz, Cpl Wally Vanasseldonk, Pte Messier, Cpl Couture, Cpl Crook, Cpl Laplante
Seated: Pte Marc Dallaire, MWO Boyce Partridge, Capt Buist, Sgt Lemelin, Pte Mike Landry\
Scanned by Pat Guevremont
1986 Promotion WO Wissian10 views
Scanned by Pat Guevremont
8602 LO10 views
Scanned by Pat Guevremont
8602 SigDev10 views
Scanned by Pat Guevremont
8301 42A110 viewsScanned by Pat Guevremont
8804 TQ310 views
Scanned by Pat Guevremont
9001 42A110 views
Scanned by Pat Guevremont
9007 TQ310 viewsBack Row: Adshade, Lund, Parker, Charron, Gillis
Center Row: Mason, Croft, White,Stoodley, MacAulay
Front Row: MCpl Milligan, WO Gene Camirand, Maj Lawrence, Capt Deveaux, MWO Eric Slade

Scanned by Pat Guevremont
9202 TQ510 viewsScanned by Pat Guevremont
9303 TQ510 viewsScanned by Pat Guevremont
Mike Bostwick10 viewsMe around 1959?
Grandma Mary's family 10 viewsNot sure who else is in this photograph but believe my grandmother Mary Ann Vennard is the girl standing on the left with her arm on the mantle. The girl on the right of the mantle is her sister Jane Hutchinson Vennard. Taken approximately 1905 in Glasgow, Scotland. This is a black and white copy of the same picture.
862 files on 72 page(s) 57