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Mike Baszczak WWI20 viewsFrom the book Hardships to Happiness Pine River



Andrew Dundas, Mr Montrose20 viewsAndrew Dundas. Noup Head assistant Light keeper. ex Salmon Fisher, Kirkside Salmon Station

Tom Thompson and sailor friend20 viewsTom Thompson and sailor friend

John and James Corse20 viewsJohn and James Corse

Canadian Eh?20 views

Whats dat?20 views

Ball Game at Gloucester Aug or Sep 195719 viewsLet me know if you recognize anyone.
Donated by Ray White

Ball Game at Gloucester Aug or Sep 195719 viewsStanding PO Ray Trudel. Seated in front of Trudel is Gerry Bursey. Next is PO Frank Cormier. Next is Lt Doug Davidson. Next is, partly obscured Chief Bungy Williams. Next is Commander D Blackmore, who was the senior officer of the suprad command. Next is, partly obscured, Chief Don Cameron, then Chief Doug Potter, then, in dark cap, Willy Yorga, then Louis Lamoureux, and finally, mostly obscured, Sheldon Duffy
Donated by Ray White

7601 LO19 viewsBack Row: Procyshyn, Fetch, Springer, Arnie Arnott
Front Row: Hindmarch, MWO Jim Blair, Maj George Fraser, Sgt Solomon, Dashwood
Scanned by Pat Guevremont

7604 TQ319 viewsBack Row: Charlo, Guy Allard, Gord Estey, Plante, Sancartier, Mike Lebrun, Collins, Schell, Phillips, Hanic, Randy More
Front Row: Lauzon, Himbeault, Walsh, Marcoux, WO Doak, LCDR Fraser, Capt Leitch, Sgt Armstrong, Savoie, Jack Geldart, Nopper
Scanned by Pat Guevremont
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