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7204 PL3272 viewsBack Row: Procyshyn, Neale, Larry Lambourne, Lee Maier, McLaughlin, Martyniuk, John Virag
Fron Row: Allain, Brian Kebic, MWO Stewart, Maj Hillaby, MWO Martin, Donnachie
Scanned by Pat Guevremont

1964 TG 1 HMCS Gloucester272 viewsIf you can identify any of the people in this picture please let me know
Scanned by Dave Berry
From Terry Whalley collection

Grade 7267 views

1974 E Coy Staff177 viewsDonated by Paul Bernard

7805 QL3163 viewsBack Row: Boislard, Latendresse, Sullivan, Fleming, Gauthier
Middle Row: Plante, Lachance, Robin Langevin, Gauthier, Leblanc, Cossaboon, Brian Davidson
Front Row: Dawson, Lajoie, John Boland, MCpl Dave St. Amand, Sgt Glen Repaye, Gallant, Delage
Scanned by Pat Guevremont

1975 Atlantic Small Base Champs161 viewsBack Row: Johnny Waugh (Fin Clk), Butch Whitlaw, Lee Maier, George McKay, Gus McPhie (Tel Tech), Moe Michalek (226 Rdr Systems)
Front Row: 3rd from left CPO Jack Bettinger(USN), 5th from Left Al Meehan
Provided by Dave Berry
Names provided by Dan McGean (TelTech)

7401 SigDev151 viewsBack Row: Milne, John Virag, Lee Maier, Mel(?) Springhall, Johnson
Front Row: Cpl Stark, Capt Gregory, Major Demone, MCpl Bob Hicks, Cpl Don Howard
Scanned by Pat Guevremont

The Japanese castle at Hirosaki130 views

1970 LRTS Course HMCS Gloucester124 viewsFront Row: WO Ken O'Brien, Sgt Mike Frost, MWO Frank Emmett
Second Row: Cpl John Plamondon, Pte Roger Romard, Cpl Pete Dalton, Cpl Jim MacSavonay
Third Row: Cpl Len Haggstrom, Cpl Brown, Cpl Dave Mcleod, Pte Dick Cook
Donated by Len Haggstrom

Unknown Hockey team122 viewsIf you can provide a year, location or identify some of the people in the picture it would be appreciated.
Provided by Dave Berry


John Stewart Hewison in Uniform114 viewsJohn Hewison in uniform approx 1919 on garrison duty in Belgium
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