Bostwick Family Website

Bostwick, Hewison, Pelton, Vennard family photos, photos from various military stations, and 291 class photos

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Unknown class Gloucester29 viewsIf you can provide a course number or year it would be appreciated.
If you can identify any of the people in this picture send me an email or leave a comment on the picture

Second Row: 2nd from right is Roy Mayville
Donated by Brian Cassidy
7901 Non Morse course29 views
1998 E SQN Staff29 viewsBack Row: MCpl Balkham, MCpl Elliott, MCpl Forget, Sgt Vanasseldonk, MS D'Amour, MCpl Mitchell, MCpl MacArthur
3rd Row: PO2 St-Gelais, MCpl Hildreth, MCpl Cashman, MCpl Dedura, MCpl Cameron
2nd Row: MCpl Laporte, Sgt Garon, PO2 Doran, Sgt Russell, WO Marshall, PO1 Griffin
Front Row: Mrs Peacock, MWO Stott, Capt Bergeron, Lt Durocher

Scanned by Pat Guevremont
Davina and George Drever29 viewsDavina (nee Drever) and George Drever taken in 1958. Golden Wedding Anniversary
Thanks to George Drever (Davina's grand nephew) for identifying them.
Kathleen & Davey Stevenson O'Trenabie29 viewsKathleen & Davey Stevenson O'Trenabie Feb 59
George & Jean Rendall29 viewsGeorge & Jean (nee Reid) Rendall in Westray
Wedding picture circa 1955

Thanks to Deborah Stove who identified the time frame and event!!!
Lester Johnstone, Mrs Rob Walker, Mrs John Watt and Mrs Mimes Walker29 viewsLester Johnstone, Mrs Rob Walker, Mrs John Watt and Mrs Mimes Walker
7203 PL328 viewsBack Row: Phillips, Chuck Pudsey, Barton, Bellefuille, Smith, Peddie, Milne
Center Row: Talbot, Braithwaite, Anstey, Murray, Mike Pilon
Front Row: CWO Cummings, Lt Gauthier, MCpl Brunton

Scanned by Pat Guevremont
7205 PL3 23 Jan 197328 viewsBack Row: Grenier, Jean, Blais, Mercier, Delinas, Savard
Fron Row: Perreault, Cloutier, MWO Powers, Capt Demone, MWO Stewart, Mallet, Pepin

Scanned by Pat Guevremont
Unknown Class Gloucester28 viewsIf you can provide a course number or year it would be appreciated.
Rear Row L 2 R: Bruce Miller, ?, Moe Burns, Jack Wilson
Middle Row L 2 R: ?, ?, ?, ?, John Reid, John McCutcheon
Front Row: CPO Bill Harkness, CmdO RA Wilson, Norm Gould

Donated by Brian Cassidy
Some names provided by Bob Lesperance
Gloucester class Late 60's28 viewsIf you can provide a course number or a specific year it would be appreciated.
Front Row: WO Ray Nunn, MWO Larry Chase, WO Bill Low

Picture donated by Larry Chase.
Some names updated by Bob Lesperance
8401 TQ6a28 views
Scanned by Pat Guevremont
862 files on 72 page(s) 10