Bostwick Family Website

Bostwick, Hewison, Pelton, Vennard family photos, photos from various military stations, and 291 class photos

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Most viewed - Hewison photos
John Murdoch Hewison and family23 viewsJohn Murdoch Hewison and Kate (nee Scott) and two children
Pierowall Sunday School picnic circa 190823 viewsPierowall Sunday school picnick
John Murdoch Hewison22 viewsJohn Murdoch Hewison
Meadowbank and Mary Hepburn Hewison22 viewsMary Hepburn Hewison in front of Meadowbank with dog Daffy
Kate Hewison (nee Scott) and Children22 viewsNotice the addition of another child since the earlier picture Kate Scott Hewison
Archibald & Ann Logie with Jack Hewison21 viewsGrand uncle Archie Logie, Grand Aunt Logie with Jack Hewison circa 1900.A
Kate Scott21 viewsKate Scott married John Murdoch Hewison
Pierowall Public School circa 1910?21 viewsBoys are from left to right: Sandy Logie, George Rendall(?), George Bain, Think(from Nether Brough), George Leslie (?), Arnold MacGilvery, George Carter(?), Unknown, John Stewart Hewison (in white), Unknown, Unknown, Unknown, Jimmy BewsPierowall public school Sandy Logie George Rendall George Bain Think George Leslie Arnold MacGilvery George Carter John Stewart Hewison Jimmy Bews
Timothy Hewison and family21 views
Timothy and Elizabeth Hewison21 viewsBelieved to be wedding photo
John Murdoch Hewison and Mrs Emerson20 viewsJohn Murdoch Hewison (cousin to James Stewart Hewison) and his mother Mrs Emerson(maiden name Jesse Milne, remarried after death of husband Stewart Hewison), Jack Hewison's aunt. John Murdoch married Kate Scott.

Thanks to George Gray for the updated info
Hewisons in Pierowall20 viewsMilly (nee Pelton) Hewison, Crissie Humphries, Mary (nee Hewison) Drever & Jim Hewison 3 July 1973
44 files on 4 page(s) 2