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Most viewed - 1962
1962 TQ 3 Unknown course #63 viewsBack Row: ?, Dave Stewart, ?, Gord Able, ?, ?, Doug Fletcher
Center: John Belland, Howie Voight, ?, ?, ?, ?
Front: John 'Boots' Dunbar, Larry Mann, Vern Veinot
1962 Unknown class58 viewsBack Row:Jim Beck, ?, ?, Ray Lebeau, ?, ?, ?
Center Row: ?, ?, ?, Dave Lattimore, ?, ?
Front Row:Bill Paley, ?, Vern Veinot
1962 Chief's and PO's Mess HMCS Gloucester56 viewsPW Peters, RS Colp, RS Stevens, RS Allen, RS Jennings, NS Andrusk, RS Christie, RS Butehart, SW Bosquette
RS Pawly, RS Heath, CK Davis, RS Gilson, RS Campbell, RS Beardsley, PR McLeod, RS Payne, RS Madden, RS Belleville, RS West, RS Hayward
PW Joly, RS MacDougall, RS MacFarlane, RS Lawther, RS Cox, RS Gee, RS Ewen
RS Whalley, MA Chatham, RS Wright, RS Gould, RS Williams, RS Krafft, RS Veinot, RS Kennealy, RS Grimshaw
RS Finnie, RS Hansen, WS Jamieson, RS Clarke, AW Mitchell, RS Dunbar, RS Kergoat, RS Kent, RS Westell RS Tupper
Class RS 202 Feb 196252 viewsBack: Walt Kennedy, Glen McInroy, Gord Mooers, Jim Maheus, Brian Cassidy, Don Huppe
Front: John "Boots" Dunbar, Larry Mann, DC Carmicheal, Bill Hillaby
Missing: Ken McNames, Glen Isaacson, Bart Peddie, R. McMillan

Donated by Brian Cassidy
1962 HMCS Gloucester37 viewsBack: CPO Dunbar, George MacFarlane, Ed Allen, Insp Eames, Insp Gibson, Supr Moise, John Lawther
Front: Harry Madden, Ray Gilson, J. Ward, Ernie Grimshaw, Terry Whalley, Gene Campbell

Scanned by Dave Berry
From Terry Whalley collection
1962 IT Course HMCS Naden34 viewsBack Row,: Taylor, Lavalee, Dunbar, Chute, Hockstetter, Boucher, Rimek, Smith, Cousins
Center Row: Whitley, Lesoway, Hicke, Shore, Peerzan, Best, Whalley, Berry, Harris
Front Row: Childerhose, Hilton, Martin, Hamilton, Larson

From Terry Whalley collection
Scanned by Dave Berry
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