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Bostwick, Hewison, Pelton, Vennard family photos, photos from various military stations, and 291 class photos

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Most viewed - 291 Photos
7217 PL3 Course First Graduating class from E SQN CFSCE Kingston33 viewsBack Row: Carr, Tim Paterson, P.D. Smith, Rick Carnahan, Charron, Courey, Grant
Front Row: Al Pardy, Capt Brill, Col Braun, MWO Stewart, Grey

Scanned by Pat Guevremont
CFSRS Command WO's & Snr NCO's Mess Late 60's or early 70's33 viewsIf you can provide a year or identify some of the people in the picture it would be appreciated.
Late 60's or early 70's due to the mixture of old and new uniforms.
Donated by Brian Cassidy
Unknown class Gloucester33 viewsIf you can provide a course number or year it would be appreciated.
If you can identify any of the people in this picture send me an email or leave a comment on the picture

Second Row: 2nd from right is Roy Mayville
Donated by Brian Cassidy
Unknown 133 viewsIf you can provide a course number or year it would be appreciated.
Back: Mike Gallagher, Norie Lamorie, Taylor Gordon, Lloyd Zwicker, Bryce Eckstien, Malcom Feeley
Front Row: Halmaljamar Hansen, George Finnie, James Kempton, Roy Marsaw, Robert Collin

From Terry Whalley collection
Scanned by Dave Berry
7801 CAT33 viewsBack Row: Bob Todd, Dave Gigues, Hall, Stark, Webster, Willard
Middle Row: Sheel, Arnie Arnott, Blais, Pebbles, John Stewart, Stephens, Yogi Hebert
Front Row: Jake Bernard, WO Smith, Maj Doucet, Col Kidd, Cote, Dubie Dubelt

Scanned by Pat Guevremont
7901 LO33 viewsBack Row: Holley, Chamberlain, Claude Noel, Clement
Front Row: MCpl Magill, Capt Leitch, WO Elia, Grusie

Scanned by Pat Guevremont
7203 PL332 viewsBack Row: Phillips, Chuck Pudsey, Barton, Bellefuille, Smith, Peddie, Milne
Center Row: Talbot, Braithwaite, Anstey, Murray, Mike Pilon
Front Row: CWO Cummings, Lt Gauthier, MCpl Brunton

Scanned by Pat Guevremont
7208 PL3 8 Mar 197332 viewsBack Row: Hightower, Al Fenn, Burbridge, Simair, Grandmaison, Jean Guy Rioux, Tremblay
Front Row: Al(?) Vickers, Walkling, MWO Stewart, Capt Hume, MWO Martin, Adams

Scanned by Pat Guevremont
7215 PL3 10 May 197332 viewsBack Row: Sampson, Rick Beetham, Sutherland, Kerr, Bob Holley, Pascoe
Front Row: St Pierre, MWO Stewart, Capt Hume, MWO Martin, Chris Vanbreda

Scanned by Pat Guevremont
7216 PL3 Course32 viewsBack Row: Macdonald, Neil O'Hare, Welson, W. Durdle , W.W. Durdle
Front Row: Ed Wissian, Capt Hume, Richer, Dubois

Scanned by Pat Guevremont
7405 PL332 viewsLeft to Right: Ben Guevremont, Sgt MacLaren, Cote, Capt Gregory, Sorrant, Maj Demone, Grenier, MWO Nadeau, Dessureault

Scanned by Pat Guevremont
7501 LO32 viewsBack Row: Levi Beardy, Crane, Graves Hill, Brian Mack
Front Row: Gratton, Capt Gregory, Maj Demone, MCpl Mossing, Gardner

Scanned by Pat Guevremont
498 files on 42 page(s) 8