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Bostwick, Hewison, Pelton, Vennard family photos, photos from various military stations, and 291 class photos

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Most viewed - 291 Photos
Trade Group 2 Course late 63-Jan 6463 viewsRear row L-R Dickison, Gault, Sampson, Callan, ? , Dorrington, Lockert.
Center L-R Rock, Muloin, Daggett, Cousineau, O'Brien, Briscoe
Front L-R CPO Paley, Lt Potter(?), ?

Donated by A. Briscoe
6700 course - Feb/Aug 196762 viewsBack: F. Short, V. Braybrook, S. Wiseman, R. Geroux
Center: J. MacPherson, R. Wakefield, W. Morden, J. Hiltz, R. Petrie
Front: L. Cara, S. Curtis, R. Shier, H. Coyle, R. Fairley, A. Bruno, F. MacLennan

From Terry Whalley collection
Scanned by Dave Berry
Unknown Class at HMCS Gloucester62 viewsIf you can provide a course number or year it would be appreciated.
If you can identify any of the people in this picture send me an email or leave a comment on the picture.
From Terry Whalley collection
Scanned by Dave Berry
1962 Unknown class62 viewsBack Row:Jim Beck, ?, ?, Ray Lebeau, ?, ?, ?
Center Row: ?, ?, ?, Dave Lattimore, ?, ?
Front Row:Bill Paley, ?, Vern Veinot
8201 6B60 viewsScanned by Pat Guevremont
1962 Chief's and PO's Mess HMCS Gloucester59 viewsPW Peters, RS Colp, RS Stevens, RS Allen, RS Jennings, NS Andrusk, RS Christie, RS Butehart, SW Bosquette
RS Pawly, RS Heath, CK Davis, RS Gilson, RS Campbell, RS Beardsley, PR McLeod, RS Payne, RS Madden, RS Belleville, RS West, RS Hayward
PW Joly, RS MacDougall, RS MacFarlane, RS Lawther, RS Cox, RS Gee, RS Ewen
RS Whalley, MA Chatham, RS Wright, RS Gould, RS Williams, RS Krafft, RS Veinot, RS Kennealy, RS Grimshaw
RS Finnie, RS Hansen, WS Jamieson, RS Clarke, AW Mitchell, RS Dunbar, RS Kergoat, RS Kent, RS Westell RS Tupper
7501 TQ6a59 viewsBack row: Ted Defeo, Glenn Ritchie, Ed Warnke, Bob Gray, Steve Gates, George Green, Mike Olsen, Jim Humes, Armond Lavalee
Front Row: Doc Abma, Art Reynolds, Gerry Rose, Clint Briscoe, Capt Gregory, Maj Demone, Sgt Watton, Bill Bohn, Larry Graff, Dave Evans

Provided by Bill Bohn
Class RS 308 Jun 196556 viewsBack: Ron Chafe, Bob Meikle, Dennis Poeckens, Larry Badger, Ralph Kunkel
Middle: Doug Dodd, Larry Collins, Jack Park, Ed Lafountaine
Front: Zack Carey, RR Wilson, Norrie Lamorie
Donated by Brian Cassidy
Class RS 202 Feb 196255 viewsBack: Walt Kennedy, Glen McInroy, Gord Mooers, Jim Maheus, Brian Cassidy, Don Huppe
Front: John "Boots" Dunbar, Larry Mann, DC Carmicheal, Bill Hillaby
Missing: Ken McNames, Glen Isaacson, Bart Peddie, R. McMillan

Donated by Brian Cassidy
1963 TG IV Qualifying Course HMCS Gloucester June 196353 viewsBack: Harry Madden, Ron Bellville, Ed Allen, Gene Campbell, Bruce Pirt, George McFarlane, Vern Veinot
Middle: Ernie Grimshaw, Curly Wright, Terry Whalley, Ray Gilson, Doug Cox, Keith McDougall
Front: CPO Jack Heath, CPO Ken Kraft, CMDR A.P. Johnston, Eric Inch, LCDR Don Filewod, CPO John Dunbar

From Terry Whalley collection
Scanned by Dave Berry
1976 E Company Staff52 viewsDonated by Paul Bernard
TG IV Course Summer 1956 HMCS Gloucester50 viewsBack: N. Gould, N. Hudson, E. Burke, M. Love, C. Lamb
Center: A. McLean, R. Trudel, E. Hayward, L. Wyman
Front: E. Amy, D. Potter, S. Miller, D. Levasseur, R. Estes

From Terry Whalley collection
Scanned by Dave Berry
498 files on 42 page(s) 4