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Bostwick, Hewison, Pelton, Vennard family photos, photos from various military stations, and 291 class photos

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Most viewed - 291 Photos
8001 TQ322 viewsBack Row: Muise, Viau, Wosnitza, Petzold, Chohan, Tracey Lafrance, Forget
Front Row: Chamberland, Carl Ostlund, Schibler, Currie, Luc Tremblay, Martel, Bernie Major
Seated: MCpl Bernard, Maj W.T.C. Wood, MWO Ralph Kunkel

Scanned by Pat Guevremont
8101 6B22 viewsBack Row: Sgt Abma, Sgt Arnott, Sgt Barrow, Sgt Olsen, Sgt Todd, Sgt Guigues, Sgt Boucher
Center Row: Sgt Ethier, Sgt Dueck, PO2 Ellis, Sgt Baker, Sgt Bertrand, Sgt Ratcliffe
Seated: PO2 Sullivan, MWO Leahy, WO Krantz, Maj Wood, Sgt Hadden, Sgt Beare

Scanned by Pat Guevremont
8402 LO22 views
Scanned by Pat Guevremont
CFB Gander Hockey team 1985/198622 viewsThere is Wayne Chiasson(1st from left, top row), John Walsh(2nd from right bottom row), Terry Collins is first row, 3rd from right, and Martial (John) Madore, goalie.

Donated by Martial Madore
1991 E Sqn March and Shoot22 views
Scanned by Pat Guevremont
7401 TEBO21 viewsBack Row: MCpl DeLasalle, Pte Tendre, Cpl Joyce, Cpl Hill, MCpl Meisner
Front Row: Pte Mullins, Cpl Reid, Cpl Stark, Capt Hume, Mcpl Mullins, Cpl Rowcliffe

Scanned by Pat Guevremont
Ball Game at Gloucester Aug or Sep 195721 viewsStanding PO Ray Trudel. Seated in front of Trudel is Gerry Bursey. Next is PO Frank Cormier. Next is Lt Doug Davidson. Next is, partly obscured Chief Bungy Williams. Next is Commander D Blackmore, who was the senior officer of the suprad command. Next is, partly obscured, Chief Don Cameron, then Chief Doug Potter, then, in dark cap, Willy Yorga, then Louis Lamoureux, and finally, mostly obscured, Sheldon Duffy

Donated by Ray White
Ball Game at Gloucester Aug or Sep 195721 viewsAt bat Omar, also known as Joe Levasseur.

Donated by Ray White
7702 LO21 viewsBack Row: MacKinnon, Gauthier, Ben Guevremont, Pete Winters, Daniels
Front Row: Cpl Procyshyn, MWO Stenning, Maj Doucet, Capt Bagyan, Boissoneault

Scanned by Pat Guevremont
7704 TQ321 viewsBack Row: Jones, Boyd, Bishop, Dunlop, Frank Wagner, Guy, St Jean, Al Lencucha
Front Row: Gluetek, Sutherland, WO Stansfield, Maj Doucet, Capt Bagyan, MCpl Hardy, Cooper, Jim Barnes, Pat Thomas

Scanned by Pat Guevremont
7802 LO21 viewsBack Row: Buxton, Gauthier, Beaudry, Loyer, Foubert, Forward
Front Row: MCpl Procyshyn, PO2 Rod Ellis, Maj Doucet, CPO2 Gerry Kotyluk, MS Chuck Magill, Capt Leitch

Scanned by Pat Guevremont
7805 NM21 viewsBack Row: Boudreau, Kyle White, Moore, Dupont, Savoie, Marc Gobeil
Front Row: Sgt Bruce Cole, Lauzon, Grams, Capt Leitch, Maj Doucet, MCpl Don Howard, Pte Lachapelle, WO Kenyon

Scanned by Pat Guevremont
498 files on 42 page(s) 17