Bostwick Family Website

Bostwick, Hewison, Pelton, Vennard family photos, photos from various military stations, and 291 class photos

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Most viewed - 291 Photos
1958 Atlantic Command Softball Champions28 viewsBack: F. Short, P. Clarke, D. Baldwin, P. Filsinger, A. Brockley, E. Grimshaw, K. Dorush
Front: A. Atkins, K. Clow, T. Webb, R. Eastman, G. Anstey, G. Mckay

Provided by Dave Berry
7502 TQ328 viewsBack Row: O'Bomsawin, Fortier, St Andreas, Cassie, Simard, Berneche
Front Row: Boivert, Thibeault, MWO Marion, Capt Gregory, Cpl Lachance, Sgt Bernard, Auger

Scanned by Pat Guevremont
7510 TQ328 viewsBack Row: Hamon, Bishop, Cummer, Ray Gavel, Bigney, Levesque, Cameron, Ray Parmiter
Front Row, Payment, Gauthier, Legace, CWO Paine, LCdr Fraser, MCpl Armstrong, Ken Chapman, Lavergne, Turcotte

Scanned by Pat Guevremont
7801 42A128 viewsBack Row: MWO Carter, Lt Lineham, LT Brasier, LT Bonniere, CWO Manuel
Front Row: Capt Weisbrot, Capt Howe, Capt Leitch, Lt Turpin

Scanned by Pat Guevremont
8401 LO28 views
Scanned by Pat Guevremont
1983 Promotion P1 Fletcher28 views
7901 TQ527 viewsFrom Left to right: Greg Barteluk, Lachapelle, JP Roy, ??, Sylvain Robert, ??, Sgt Earl Powers, ??, Chapman, Capt Bond, Dobson, Maj Doucet, ??, ??, Andy Sanscartier, PO Rod Ellis, Brian Kain, ??, Alain Raby, St-Onge, Marc Gobeil

Scanned by Pat Guevremont
7902 SigDev27 viewsBack Row: Sid Hardiman, Jean Guy Rioux, Kyle White, Jake Gagnon
Front Row: WO Les Lindstrom, Eric Chapman, Maj Wood, Sgt MacWilliams, MCpl Al Fenn

Scanned by Pat Guevremont
8401 TQ327 views
Scanned by Pat Guevremont
9902 Comm Rsch Apprentice27 viewsBack Row: Pte henwood, Pte Riding, Pte Huizinga, AB Hancock, Pte Kopp, Pte Stephens,Pte DeMarbre
Middle Row: Pte Borax, Pte Waller, Pte Smith, OS Draper, Cpl Deblois, Pte Doucette, Pte Baker
Front Row: MS Green, Sgt Vatcher, WO Marshall, PO2 MacDonald, MCpl Hildreth, MCpl Rannou
Scanned by Pat Guevremont
1958 Atlantic Command Badminton Champs26 viewsLouie Lamouroux, Ed Roberts, Paul Barr, Terry Whalley, Roger Phillion, Mick Marshall.
HMCS Shearwater

From Terry Whalley collection
Scanned by Dave Berry
498 files on 42 page(s) 12