Bostwick Family Website

Bostwick, Hewison, Pelton, Vennard family photos, photos from various military stations, and 291 class photos

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Most viewed - 291 Photos
1998 E SQN Staff31 viewsBack Row: MCpl Balkham, MCpl Elliott, MCpl Forget, Sgt Vanasseldonk, MS D'Amour, MCpl Mitchell, MCpl MacArthur
3rd Row: PO2 St-Gelais, MCpl Hildreth, MCpl Cashman, MCpl Dedura, MCpl Cameron
2nd Row: MCpl Laporte, Sgt Garon, PO2 Doran, Sgt Russell, WO Marshall, PO1 Griffin
Front Row: Mrs Peacock, MWO Stott, Capt Bergeron, Lt Durocher

Scanned by Pat Guevremont
7211 PL3 (F)30 viewsBack Row: Racine, Fortin, Lessard, Messier
Fron Row: Richard, Maj Demone, LCol Strong, MWO Powers

Scanned by Pat Guevremont
HMCS Cornwallis Communications School30 viewsIf you can provide a course number or year it would be appreciated.
Back Row: Ron Chafe, Ray Hines, Lusty, Stevens, Clarke, Simpson

From Terry Whalley collection
Scanned by Dave Berry
Unknown Class Gloucester30 viewsIf you can provide a course number or year it would be appreciated.
Rear Row L 2 R: Bruce Miller, ?, Moe Burns, Jack Wilson
Middle Row L 2 R: ?, ?, ?, ?, John Reid, John McCutcheon
Front Row: CPO Bill Harkness, CmdO RA Wilson, Norm Gould

Donated by Brian Cassidy
Some names provided by Bob Lesperance
7503 TQ330 viewsBack Row: Fraelic, Fleming, Davis, Marshall, Abeling, Riel, Harrison, Asselain
Front Row: MacDonald, Closen, Sgt O'Brien, Capt Gregory, CWO Paine, Woodford, Murray, Jenkins

Scanned by Pat Guevremont
7601 TQ330 viewsBack Row: Cassel, Pistagnesi, Paquet, Vallee, Jolliffe, Boreen, Bodreau, St Onge, Molter, Grasley, Paquin, Kelso, Brian Kain, McLauchlin, Shaw

Front Row: Allain, Marc Gobeil, Wadden, Pelchat, Raby, Pretty, Lahai, WO Gallant, LCDR Fraser, WO Savard, Barry Silmarie, Corneiller, Leclerc, Ellement, Roy, Sharp

Scanned by Pat Guevremont
7901 SigDev30 viewsBack Row: MCpl Graham Burgess, Rick Scally, Bud Abbott, Wadden, Ryer, Trail
Front Row: Capt Leitch, Maj Doucet, MCpl Roger Romard, CTT1 Burnett, WO Les Lindstrom, Mike Wardle

Scanned by Pat Guevremont
7901 TQ6B30 viewsBack Row: Sgt Jim Troyanek, Sgt Shribner, Sgt Ian Little, Sgt Riply, Sgt Bob Hicks, Sgt Clarke, Sgt Green, Sgt Bernie Lee, Sgt Kelsey, Sgt Murphy
Front Row: WO McLeod, Sgt Bourdeau, WO Fouchard, Capt Howe, Maj Doucet, Capt Leitch, MWO Dick Leahy, Sgt Walsh, Sgt Shorty Goulette, Sgt Peachy

Scanned by Pat Guevremont
7902 TQ330 viewsBack Row: Clark, Westrop, McDougall, Dale Lethbridge, Ten-Hove, Green, Maze, Evans, Simms, Horne, Grey, Feltham
Middle Row: Crook, Doyle, Button, Whalen, Price, Charles, Candeline, Schulz, Edmond, Smith, Thornhill, Primeau
Front Row: Whalen, Campbell, Halpenny, MCpl Bernard, Sgt Hal Fraize, Maj Wood, Capt Bond, PO Frank Sullivan, Dunford, Wally Vanasseldonk, Hill

Scanned by Pat Guevremont
8401 SigDev30 views
Scanned by Pat Guevremont
8401 TQ6a30 views
Scanned by Pat Guevremont
7205 PL3 23 Jan 197329 viewsBack Row: Grenier, Jean, Blais, Mercier, Delinas, Savard
Fron Row: Perreault, Cloutier, MWO Powers, Capt Demone, MWO Stewart, Mallet, Pepin

Scanned by Pat Guevremont
498 files on 42 page(s) 10