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8901 TQ320 views
Scanned by Pat Guevremont

1994 Land EW Training20 views
Scanned by Pat Guevremont

9501 SigDev20 viewsScanned by Pat Guevremont

9701 TQ520 viewsScanned by Pat Guevremont

Jack Stewart Hewison 11th Gordon Highlanders20 viewsLook Like Jack Hewison at the training depot

Thomas Hewison20 viewsElizabeth Wall Hewison's brother Tom Hewison

James Smith Hewison20 viewsBrother of John Stewart Hewison
Blind and deaf due to reaction to innoculation

School outing in Pierowall circa 1925?20 viewsThe boy in the white shirt with the X above his head is Tim Sinclair son of John and Elizabeth(Hewison) Sinclair who later emigrated to Austrailia

Timothy Hewison and family20 viewsIn front of Meadowbank circa 1908?

John Hewison with grandaughter20 viewsUncle John Hewison

George Hewison and Conner Bostwick20 viewsTaken at Uncle George's cottage near Bobcaygeon

The Bostwicks 197020 viewsBack: Denise, Mike
Front: Chris
862 files on 72 page(s) |
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