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1984 Promotion Sgt Grey21 views
Scanned by Pat Guevremont

8504 TQ321 views
Scanned by Pat Guevremont

CFB Gander Hockey team 1985/198621 viewsThere is Wayne Chiasson(1st from left, top row), John Walsh(2nd from right bottom row), Terry Collins is first row, 3rd from right, and Martial (John) Madore, goalie.
Donated by Martial Madore

8604 TQ321 views
Scanned by Pat Guevremont

8702 TQ521 views
Scanned by Pat Guevremont

1991 E Sqn March and Shoot21 views
Scanned by Pat Guevremont

Jack Stewart Hewison 11th Gordon Highlanders21 viewsPosing with a friend

Jack Stewart Hewison in 11th Gordon Highlanders21 viewsJack Stewart Hewison 11th Gordon Highlanders with group of NCO's

Clara Hewison21 viewsClara Hewison, sister of Elizabeth Wall Hewison. Married name McLennan

John Sinclair21 viewsMarried Elizabeth Hewison (John Stewart Hewison's sister). Emigrated to Austrailia

Rev John Reid Hewison21 viewsRev John Reid HewisonBrother to Timothy Hewison. Seated without beard

On the beach Pierowall circa 190821 viewsThe one with the x is John Stewart Hewison
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