Bostwick Family Website

Bostwick, Hewison, Pelton, Vennard family photos, photos from various military stations, and 291 class photos

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7301 PL6A23 viewsBack Row: Forget, Lefebvre, Hoby Guitard, Rystphanuk, Bernard, Hansen, Dickison, Berry, Delorey, Guthro
Front Row: Scharfe, Perrier, Campbell, Maj Demone, MWO Yablonski, Langs, Matchett

Scanned by Pat Guevremont
7303 PL323 viewsBack Row: Phair, Blow, Evans, Muise, Lorne Richardson, Gary Price
Front Row: Tracey, Thompson, Capt Brill, Maj Demone, Freeman, Gary(?) Everett

Scanned by Pat Guevremont
7401 PL323 viewsBack Row: Lameux, Nickerson, Clark, Kyle White, Robertson, Humber
Front Row: Pelletier, Capt Gregory, Major Demone, Sgt Doak, Steve Dewar, Layer

Scanned by Pat Guevremont
1958 Leadership Course #95 3 Nov-12 Dec 195823 viewsFront Row: Kaye, Good, Lielleux, Lt Collins, C2 Salloway, Ghanam, Hartmann, Vale
Center Row: Publicover, Moir, McLaughlin, Dean, Schellenberg, Johnson, Baker, Westran, Wile
Back Row: Moore, Chard, Farrell, Thomas, Bird, Hughes, Whalley, Carr, Henigman

From Terry Whalley collection
Scanned by Dave Berry
1973 Atlantic Small Base Champions CFS ST. Margarets, NB Aug 197323 viewsBack: Jack Bettinger, Bernie O'Leary, Al Stride, Gerry Tetrault, Rick Newell, Brent Trenholm, Larry Graff.
Front: George Mckay, Frank Short, Bob White, Terry Noiles, Terry Dunlap

Provided by Dave Berry
7606 TQ323 viewsBack Row: Rick Davenport, Schink, Rennie, Mohr, Carter, Gord Harper, Maltais
Front Row: Boychuk, Dagneault, Martineau, Capt Howe, Sgt Kelsey, Paddy Morris, Tom Rae, Gary Audette

Scanned by Pat Guevremont
7702 TQ323 viewsBack Row: Richard, Cormier, Edmunds, MacPhee, Springall, Commandant, Thorne
Front Row: Mike Young, Zecca, Kinney, K. Smith, Capt Bagyan, MCpl Hardy, Sgt Ritchie, "Killer" D'amour, J. Smith

Scanned by Pat Guevremont
7803 CAT23 viewsBack Row: MCpl Pepsi St Marseille, MCpl Gagne, MCpl Bob Borque, MCpl Lemelin, MCpl Fox, MCpl Pike, Cpl Rick Cromwell, Sgt Dave Drobot, Capt Leitch
Front Row: Sgt Bertrand, WO Dave Finlay, MCpl Vanbreda, Maj Doucet, MCpl Roy, Sgt Powers, MCpl St. Pierre, MCpl Beck, Sgt Ethier

Scanned by Pat Guevremont
7804 CAT23 viewsBack Row: MCpl Robertson, Cpl Pike, Cpl Roger Murchison, Cpl Jean Guy Rioux, MCpl Chaisson, Cpl Gooderham, MCpl Roger Tibbits, MCpl Neil O'Hare, MCpl Charron, Sgt Glen Repaye
Front Row: MCpl Walking, Sgt Routheir, Sgt Rod Ellis, Maj Doucet, Capt Leitch, WO Smith, MCpl Thomson, MCpl McCurdy

Scanned by Pat Guevremont
8001 CAT23 viewsBack Row: MCpl Mullin, MCpl Hardy, Sgt Painter, MCpl Presseau, MCpl Ed Carefoot, Sgt Neale, MCpl Graham Burgess, MCpl Bernard, Sgt Hindmarch
Front Row: Sgt White, MCpl Johnson, Sgt Moe Beere, MCpl Glen Meheden, Maj Wood, MWO Gerry Kotyluk, MCpl Roger Romard, Sgt Earl Power, PO Frank Sullivan, Sgt Forbes, MCpl Bob Solomon

Scanned by Pat Guevremont
1984 Promotion of P01 Solomon23 views
Scanned by Pat Guevremont
1986 Promotion Sgt Bergeron23 views
Scanned by Pat Guevremont
862 files on 72 page(s) 18